Tuesday, November 22, 2011

100/365 Vegan Meals

This is my 100th post of my 365 day project, and for the next 30 posts I'm going to be doing something a little different.  Most people who know us know that we had to switch to a vegan diet six months ago.  We've been slacking a bit lately, but now we need to get back on track.  People we know often have a lot of questions regarding what a vegan diet is, and what we eat.  During the following month, I'm going to be posting our meals for anyone who may be interested in following along.  Food photography is not my forte, but hopefully I can work on that.  Today's dinner was simple and delicious!

Ginger Soy Stir-Fry With Millet

Gabrielle seemed to enjoy it too.  She doesn't follow our diet, but she certainly enjoys some tofu now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good! Her face says it all. Yummmmm and the spoon dips for more. :-)
