Wednesday, November 23, 2011

101/365 Vegan Cooking Day 2: Three Bean Chili With Sweet Potatoes

I made the mistake of showing my husband some of my pictures of today's meal.  Specifically, I asked him if my photos of this chili made him want to eat it.  His response?..."No, it looks like a heap of barf.  How could anyone make it look good.  It tastes good though".  As you can see, he really has a way with words.  In all seriousness though, he really did enjoy his dinner today.  This chili is really easy to make and is great for an iron boost (and it really does taste good, I promise).


  1. Well, I think it looks good! It almost looks a like a nice veggie soup too. :-)

  2. I think it looks great! Yum!
