Thursday, September 1, 2011

38/365 A Typical Afternoon

What does a little girl like mine do when she's stuck inside all afternoon?  Well, first she might collect some toys to play with....

 Then she'll decide that playing with Tupperware is much more fun.

After that she might try to convince me to take her to the park yet again, even though the weather looks ominous and it's ten minutes before nap time.

Then she may remember all the toys she collected and play mommy for a while (she loves to imitate everything now).

Then comes nap time!

On another note, I feel like I'm coming to a photography crossroad and I'm not sure what to do.  I really prefer natural light to flash, but the lighting in our house is poor, and I usually end up bumping up my ISO quite high to avoid motion blur (toddlers are fast!) All the noise in my pictures is starting to bother me and noise reduction in PP only does so much.  It seems that I will have to either invest in a speed light (and learn how to use it), starting thinking about a camera that can handle noise a little better, or figure out some other lighting solution.  If you have any other suggestions, just leave them in the comments below.  I'd be happy to hear from you.

Today's post is part of Mama Loves Papa's Small Style.

Shirt: The Gap
Skirt: Arizona Jeans
Leg Warmers: Baby Legs

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